Posted in Blolidays, Uncategorized


IT’S THE LAST BLOLIDAYS POST OF THE YEAR! Hopefully you’ve been enjoying this series, since writing it has been so much fun.

This week’s post will be a look at what I bought on Thursday in preparation for the new school year! I decided not to get a few things, since some things like my pencil case and maths set were still in tact from last year. Saving money, why not?

School Bag


I found this in wilkos, and it’s a lot less vibrant than last year’s fluorescent pink Under Armour backpack. The red leather kind of reminded me of Emma Swan’s red leather jacket in Once Upon A Time! And this was £12, reduced from £15.

Bic Pens


I usually just get the normal ball point pens, but they only had those in blue or the packs with red, green, blue and black. So I opted for these, which are very similar, but have a grip, and clear lids. Can’t go to school without pens!

Staedtler Pencils


I definitely bought these last year, and probably several times before. Staedtler are probably most of what people are buying for pencils, because they seem to be so much better quality than other pencils!

Shatterproof Ruler


I picked up the pink one, probably because it was on top of the pile (lazy, I know). I don’t usually go for full length rulers, but the folding ones always snap for me (I’ve never managed to keep one) so I ended up getting this! 😀



These are the same as the highlighters I bought last year, but I loved having a wide range of colours to chose from (especially in poetry analysis for English literature) so I got them again!

Filing Folder

Last year, I bought a blue one of these and it’s currently behind me, bulging with exam papers, revision notes, reports and so much other random stuff I’ve stuffed in there (seriously, I think my electric toothbrush instructions are in there). Since it was such a life saver, I decided to get another one for this year!

Butterfly Project Book


I love using notebooks for copying out notes from my school books, so the stuff I need to revise is all in one place. I’m never really a massive fan of online revision or flashcards, so revising in a notebook is definitely the way to go for me!  Not to mention, it has the little tabs on the side so you can separate the subjects!

I don’t know what to call these?


I had two of these from last year (my sister had the other two) and it ended up not quite enough space for all my school books, so I picked up another set! 😀

And that’s most of what I bought this year!

Thanks again for reading and responding to this series, it’s been a lot of fun, and I guess we’ll see blolidays next year! 🙂



Hi, I'm an anonymous British blogger, hiding behind the name Awkwardsaurus. I'm a fan of Sherlock, which you should probably know. Oh, and I'm the kind of person that replies with "you too" when someone says "happy birthday". Hope to see you around ;)


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