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BLOLIDAYS #3 | Summer Expectations VS Reality


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Welcome to week 3 of of Blolidays! Can you believe we’re already at week three? Well, technically I’m not at week three as I write this, because it’s actually the day before I’ll post week two, which should be up as you’re reading this.

SO, I just sneezed about five million times, so my nose feels like a balloon.

For this week’s Blolidays post, I thought it would be fun to do some Summer Expectations VS Reality stuff. You guys seemed to like my Revision one of  those, so I’m hoping you’ll like this one too!

Sleep Schedules

Expectation: I’ll have a fan in my room so I don’t die, and I’ll get plenty of sleep every night.

Reality: Sudden heat wave crashes into the UK. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? IS THIS A FREAKING INCUBATOR? And then the brother screams the Star Wars theme song at stupid o’clock in the morning. -.-

Meeting Friends

Expectation: We’ll meet up every now and then so we don’t forget that we all exist, right?

Reality: Mum actually tells me to get out of the house and do something because all I do is sit in my bedroom all day….. :/


Staying Fit 

Expectation: P.E lessons aren’t here anymore, so I have to make sure I don’t become a potato!

Reality: You expect me to exercise in this heat? HAH, NO THANKS!

Eating Healthy

Expectation: We bought a death machine! Aka a blender, and I’ll live off smoothies and be really healthy! They’ll be so tasty too!

Reality: Well this is disgusting. Let’s not try to do that again. I’ll stick with toast.


Wearing Nice Clothes

Expectation: Prancing around in holiday/beach-wear 24/7 and looking like an angel

Reality: Hold up, I don’t actually own any summery clothes… Looks like I’ll be in a hoodie and jeans then!


Expectation: My legs are going to be so beautiful they’ll kill people

Reality: I’m a bear, I’m a bear, with brown fuzzy hair


And that’s everything for this post! I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll see you next Saturday with another Blolidays post!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me


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The Hand Writing Tag


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Check me out with another tag! The amazing flawed silence (check out her blog, it’s fantastiiiiic like a fanta stick. Yeah, I’ll stop) tagged me to do the Hand Writing Tag, which might be difficult since my phone camera is terrible. I’ll just write huge and hope it shows up… 😀

So, as with all tags and awards, we have ze rules:

1. Write your name

2. Write your blog name

3. Write your favourite word and its definition

4. Write something nice

5. Write the name of your favourite song right now

6. What’re you writing with

7. Write a fun fact about yourself

8. Write/draw your favourite emoticon

9. Write a silly message

10. Write who you’re tagging

I think that’s the most rules I’ve ever had here!

Here are my answers!

hand writing tag.jpg-large

Links to the blogs I tagged are:


Half Girl Half Teacup

Ninjas Read Too

Thanks for reading, sorry if you actually couldn’t read my writing, either due to it being too messy, or my camera is terrible. I’ll just type it up on here, in case you actually couldn’t read it.

  1. Anonymous XD
  2. Just Average Teen Me
  3. Creek – a stream or minor tributary of a river
  4. Life is too short to waste on hating others
  5. I Lied – Fifth Harmony
  6. Just a black biro… I know, boring.
  7. I’d say I’m quite a typical Pisces (zodiac)
  8. Right so I can’t actually type this one. It’s the upside down smiley face..
  9. It’s SCONE, not SCON! 😀

And then there was my nominations at the end. And a sneaky lil heart. ❤

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me

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I’m Just Average Teen Me. Guess what day it is todaaaay? I KNOW! 4 YEARS OF FIFTH HARMONY, WE’RE BLESSED! But, it’s also another day, and if you’ve read the title, you’ll know that it’s my blog’s anniversary. Or Blogiversary, how we bloggers like to call it sometimes. So, I have no clue what I’m actually doing in this post, but we’ll have to get somewhere with it!

I remember writing my first post, check out the cringe here if you’re interested. Everything I had thought about blogging was completely different to how it really is. I thought people would judge me if I was myself, which made the first few posts even more cringey than they needed to be.

I remember not knowing how to use the toolbar at the top of the page. Now, if you’re a frequent visitor here, you’ll know that I use most of the tools up there! SEE THIS COLOUR!? I had no clue how to work the comment system either, so it took me about a week to realise how to actually reply to someone’s comment… Sorry about that, if any of you are still here.

Eventually, I squirmed out of my lil self conscious shell, and started to make my blog more personal – more me. I cut out the excessive ‘xo’s that I used to do at the end of a post (I really did think that would make people like me – don’t ask) and replaced it with a smiley face, that I still have now. Thank you for all being so supportive and helping my year-younger self realise that I didn’t have to be someone that I wasn’t.

Some people see a year as a really short space of time, that’s quite uneventful. As much as I feel that this year has gone insanely fast, so much has happened, that it kind of feels like it should have been longer. After starting my blog, a lot happened in my life, good and bad.

A moment that stands out to me the most, was when I was having trouble with a certain friend (Regina, as I code-named her) and asked for help a few times. It eventually got to the point where I had a panic attack, after finding out what she’d been saying behind my back. I was terrified, and you were the only people I could talk to about it. I couldn’t talk to anyone I knew in person, because I thought they’d think I was overreacting. You were all so kind, and it really helped me to get through, and eventually forgive Regina and move on. If you’re interested in that post, you can click here.

I always thought the blogging community was judgmental, characterless, beauty obsessed and just numbers on a page. I was more than wrong. Now, I know that the blogosphere is accepting, quirky in it’s own unique ways and way more than just how many likes you get.

Thank you for everything, guys. I wouldn’t have posted 149 posts (150 including this one) over the last year without you.


Okay so that ended up being my blogiversary post. If it’s really cheesy, I’m sorry, it’s just how it turned out. Thank you so much for sticking by my blog, whether you followed last week, or last year, I love you all! ❤

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me


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44 Shower Thoughts


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Fun fact: I actually came up with this post in the shower. 

So, if you’re a fairly new follower (thank you for following, by the way) you might not know about these unscheduled posts that I do sometimes, where I’ll list 44 things to do with a certain topic. I’m not actually sure why it’s 44, I think it’s because the first one of these ended up 44, and then so did the next, and now we’re here after several more!

If you’re anything like me, showers (which are better than baths, for your information) are the source to infinite ideas, both good and bad. And often crazily philosophical.So,  I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that my mind drifts to!

  1. Right, this shower is gonna be quick
  2. Did I give you permission to scold all of my skin off?
  3. What if Einstein was wrong, and we’ve just been believing nonsense for years?
  4. You know, I wouldn’t be that bothered if we found out we were all Sims…
  5. I want a pineapple…
  6. Is there a monster there?
  7. Yeah, I swear I just saw a monster…
  8. What if it’s a person?
  10. Maybe Space is just a huge planet in another set of planets…
  11. How long have I been in here?
  12. Reading is weird… We just stare at paper for hours on end and find entertainment…
  13. I wonder if my crush is showering right now….WE’RE SOULMATES
  14. I’m gonna be cool and write GET SHERLOCK in the steamy wall because I’m secretly Moriarty
  15. How many naked people do you think there are right this second?
  16. Dogs are pretty clever…. Learning to understand another language from another species is impressive!
  17. I should learn to speak dog… WOOF BARK NFJIBG HIFAJAKVNKBFH
  18. If parallel universes exist, there’s a world where I marry my celebrity crush . IT HAD BETTER BE THIS ONE!
  19. I really hope my parents have never done the do in here….
  20. It’s too small, they wouldn’t both fit, would they?
  22. Is there really any point in shaving? Nobody sees my legs anyway! I WEAR JEANS ALL THE TIME!
  23. If we can see water, but not air, can fish see air?
  24. Remember that cute photographer? *melts*
  26. Oh yeah, and Aaron Tveit, and every other celebrity you’ve ever found attractive?
  27. I’m going to die of beautifulness
  28. Can a person die from loving someone so much? It’d be like the reverse of a broken heart. Or maybe it is a broken heart? Eponine died out of love!
  31. I should probably actually wash my hair… That’s why I’m hear after all.
  32. Are teeth bones?
  33. Does my dog know my name?
  34. I wonder if a T-Rex ever drank any of this water…
  36. *plays out arguments that will never, ever happen*
  37. What if one day there’s some sort of superhuman species and we all become the equivalent of chickens…?
  38. Is there a spot in this shower that I’ve never touched?
  39. Do I have magic powers?
  40. What if every time someone creates a new fictional universe it becomes real?
  41. I wonder if I could ever be the exact definition of someone’s ‘type
  42. I think I’ve been in here for way longer than I planned…
  43. Waaaaiiiiiittt… Did I bring a towel? Phew, I did.
  44. I should turn all of this into a blog post!

Aaaand that is some of the random sorts of things that I’ll think of while I’m in the shower! Can you relate to any of these? And what does your mind wander to while you’re showering?

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me

Posted in Blolidays, Uncategorized

BLOLIDAYS | My Summer Playlist


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Welcome back to Blolidays with myself. If you missed last week’s post, you probably don’t know about this new ‘feature’ here on ze blog. Well, let me enlighten you. Blolidays is my Summer Holidays blogging series that I’ll be updating every Saturday until the Holidays ends in September. Last week, I wrote a bucket list for the upcoming 6-7-ish weeks, which you can read here if you’re interested.

TODAY, on the other hand, I will be compiling a list of my favourite tunes to bounce around my bedroom (like I’m being electrocuted) to over the holidays. I will warn you, and myself actually, there will probably be a good bit of Fifth Harmony… Possibly some of The Vamps too. I know, I’m a clashing fandom wreck but let’s just go with it.

*scrolls through Spotify library*

1. Do You Hear The People Sing – Les Mis 

2. Everybody Needs Love – Zak Abel

3. Hey You Beautiful – Olly Murs

4. Work From Home – Fifth Harmony

5. Yeah Boy – Kelsea Ballerini

6. The Sound – The 1975

7. All In My Head (Flex) – Fifth Harmony

8. Five Colours In Her Hair – McFly

9. Girls On TV – The Vamps

10. I Know What You Did Last Summer – Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello

11. I Lied – Fifth Harmony

12. Juliet – Lawson

13. Peter Pan – Kelsea Ballerini

14. Love Myself – Hailee Steinfeld 

15. Move My Way – The Vamps

16. One Last Time – Ariana Grande

17. Wildest Dreams – Taylor Swift

18. That’s What You Get – Paramore

19. Rude – MAGIC!

20. Scared of Happy – Fifth Harmony

21. New Girl – Reggie & Bollie

22. Miss Movin’ On – Fifth Harmony

23. You’re Such A – Hailee Steinfeld

24. The Life – Fifth Harmony

25. Wild Heart – The Vamps

Okay, so I know that’s quite a lot, but I couldn’t just abandon that many of my favourite songs! Even with this many I’m leaving behind a lot that I still love! I tried to vary the artists a bit, even though over a fifth of them are Fifth Harmony!

What are some of your favourite songs for over the summer? And do you know any of these?

See you next Saturday with another Blolidays post!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me

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I’m Just Average Teen Me. Apologies for the slightly intensely capitalised title. I’m just quite excited for this post. The lovely, and very talented regina5000 from Diversion3000 nominated me for the 5 senses tag. Thank you SO much! Make sure you check out her blog!


– Thank the person who nominated you
– For each of the five senses (or as many as you do) describe five of your favorite things having to do with that sense. AKA your five favorite smells, sounds, etc. 
– Nominate five other people to do this tag


  • Orange sunsets on pretty beaches
  • Freshly fallen snow, with no footprints
  • Old, crinkly paper
  • Leaves in Autumn
  • Attractive people (I’m sorry to ruin the mood, but it had to be done.)


  • Wind blowing through trees
  • Waves crashing in and out
  • Crackling fire
  • Aaron Tveit singing (and Lauren Jauregui)
  • The sound a tennis racket makes when you swing it really fast through the air


  • Banana bread baking in the oven
  • Anything involving cinnamon (especially our Christmas apple and cinnamon candle)
  • Books (Who doesn’t love the smell of books?)
  • Wood
  • Pumpkins when they have the candle inside and it’s kind of cooking them a bit


  • Fluffy dogs (thankfully, I have two. One of which is open to cuddling, the other, would rather have her personal space)
  • Cosy socks
  • Sand (only in my hands, not feet, please not in my feet!)
  • Flowing water
  • Anything with a sign that says “DO NOT TOUCH”


  • Things cooked on a barbecue. Barbeque? barbecue?
  • BAAACOOONNNNN (smoked)
  • Strawberry and Blueberry smoothies
  • Pineapples
  • Waffles or Pancakes with loooots of syrup

And that is that part done! I know a lot of people go really poetic and stuff, but I thought I’d just be straight to the point. 😀

The five people I’m nominating are: *Drumroll*

  1. Teenage Nomad
  2. The Diary of a Complicated Teen
  3. Little Miss Invisible
  4. Scotteen
  5. Jenny in Neverland

And I guess that’s it for this post! Thank you for reading!!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me


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Perks of Being SINGLE


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Being the happily single person that I am, I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I love about my relationship status. Too many people, especially at high school age, feel like they have to have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for their social standings, because it makes them cool. But it doesn’t just make you cool like that. Prepare for a long list of rantings! 😀


When you’re single, there’s no shame in having a crush, whether it be that verrry attractive celebrity, or a cute stranger, the guy you sit with at school, or who knows, maybe it’s your science teacher!


Boyfriends mean spending time with people, at times you might rather be doing whatever it is you like to do, from blogging to just lounging around and eating the left over pizza from last night.


For younger readers, you probably wouldn’t be sleeping with a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, but for my older, single readers, sprawl across that bed, and claim it as your own (don’t pee on it, for goodness sake) because no significant other is stealing it from you.


Besties before testes, as some might like to say!


No more spending money on a box of chocolates or a teddy bear at Valentines Day! Instead, splurge on yourself, and on something that you’ll actually use, instead of stuff behind a pile of clothes in your wardrobe!


Too much alone time might make you insane, but too much socialising could have the same effect, especially if you’re the alone-craving introvert that I am. Without a boyfriend, you can spend time for yourself! Whack out those facemasks and slice some cucumbers because you’re PAMPERING tonight!


What if you’re a crazy dog person? But your boyfriend hates dogs! Without anyone to decide on things like that for you, you can have all the pets in the world, and nobody else has a say in it! So GO become the crazy cat lady of the neighbourhood!


Admit it: when you can’t sleep, you’ve at least once (but we all know it’s more than once) played out situations in your head where you meet your celebrity, or just normal person crush, and fall in love… Single people don’t have to feel the tiniest bit guilty about ANY of that!


Really, shaving legs is one of the biggest chores, and for someone who has to do that all throughout the year, A) Congratulations, that’s impressive, and B) I bet you wish you didn’t have to. For us single pringles (cringe, I know) our legs look similar to bears in the winter, and they keep us warm!


Indulge on cakes, pizzas, ice cream, and whatever else you can find in your fridge. It’s all yours. No caring, no sharing!


Throughout writing this post, I’ve been listening to a playlist called Single + Loving It. Some of my favourites are: Love Myself – Hailee Steinfeld, Really Don’t Care – Demi Lovato, Miss Movin On – Fifth Harmony and a classic Single Ladies (Put A Ring on It) – Beyoncé.

To end this post, I wanted to say, that attached or alone, you’re all awesome!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me


Posted in Blolidays, Uncategorized

BLOLIDAYS | My Summer Bucket List


I’m Just Average Teen Me. If you live in the UK, and go to a high school, you’ll have either broken up for the holidays, or be very close to it. In celebration of the long-awaited Summer break, I thought it would be fun to start a new series, and 3 other people on twitter agreed! I know, 3.

So, I would like to introduce you to BLOLIDAYS. Readers, meet Blolidays. Blolidays, meet readers. If you haven’t already noticed, Blolidays is a weird hybrid word I came up with, from Blogging and Holidays.

In this series I thought it would be fun to share some of the things that I’ll be doing this Summer, from organising school stuff to what music I’m listening to. I’ll post a Blolidays post every Saturday, so I can still blog about the random things that I do anyway.

Without further ado, let’s get into my Summer Holidays Bucket List!

Sorting Through My School Books

With school finishing for the year (yes, I’m not a year 11 this year, I have to go back in September), there are books strewn all over my floor. It looks like a school book tornado hit, mixed with revision notes from exam season. Actually, that’s why I’m writing this post: I needed a break from all of that. So, I have started to stick in all of the sheets that were floating around the pages, when school had no gluesticks left, and I’ll be putting them into my wardrobe somewhere when I’m done!

Keep on top of Fitness

As much as I hate P.E. lessons 70% of the time, they are actually beneficial. Unless you just walk around slightly lost, which I do if it’s any sort of team sport. Minus the health benefits that P.E. brings, I am probably not doing much as for exercise apart from the couple times a week that I’ll work out for about 5 minutes. I used to do that every night, and I want to get back into it, because it really made me feel better, and I I won’t become a potato.

Get Out with Friends

Last year in the holidays, I didn’t meet up with my friends once, despite us all promising to get out more than once in the six weeks that we had. This year, though, I plan to change that a bit. Finding Dory is coming out later in the month for us Brits, so that’ll be a chance to get out with Bob, if he ever finds the time. And Ashley and I already plan to go shopping at one point.

Finding More Bloggers

As a blogger, it’s important to interact with other bloggers, and last month, I was sort of falling down on that one. I’ve already started to read more of the posts in the reader, and commenting on as many as I can. If you know of any good teenage bloggers out there, I’d love if you could leave a link in the comments! Or if you’re a blogger I haven’t followed yet!

Shop for Stationery

I’m a huge stationery geek, if that’s a thing, so our trip to buy next year’s supplies is always one of my favourite things in the whole time we’re off! When the time comes, I’ll probably do a little haul like I did last year. Speaking of last year…

Celebrate my Blogiversary!

I’m super excited for this one, because it’s almost been a whole year since I set up Just Average Teen Me. It feels like this blog has been a part of me for so much longer, but seeing my first comments and likes felt like yesterday! If you’re interested, it’s on the 27th July, so in eleven days. As of right now, I have no idea what to post for it, but I’m verrrry excited and will be open to any ideas you might have!

Tidy my Desk

Aside from the current school book tornado, my room is normally fairly tidy, as far as a teenager’s bedroom normally goes. One step into my younger sisters’ bedroom and it’s like a different world. Their bedroom is ten times worse. If not more. Probably more! But my desk is a whole other story. I actually did a post on it once, where I told you all of the things that were on my desk… You can read it here if you like! But as the slightly claustrophobic person that I am, I don’t like it like that. So, I plan on tidying it – AGAIN.

Rekindle my Love of The Sims

With all of the busy stuff going on in the last couple months, I’ve hardly had any time at all to play on my all-time favourite game in the world. Sims. And I’ve missed it a lot.

Go back to Pleasure Beach

If you read a post I did almost a week ago, you’ll know that my school had a little trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, and I had an awesome time, partly due to how many times I’d already been before. Anyways, it would be nice to go again with my family so I can have another one of them smoothies… *cough* And see that photographer again… *cough*

Those are some of my plans for the Summer! What are your plans? Let me know in the comments as well as any blogiversary suggestions you might have!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me

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Crafting a Perfect Life


I’m Just Average Teen Me. In case you were wondering, this post was written on that day where I decided to write a truckload of posts for no apparent reason. Productivity at its finest! By my standards, at least! So, by the title, you might be a teeny bit perplexed, but just wait; it’ll all become clear soon.

TODAY, I shall be crafting my perfect life, from where I am now, to…. well, where I will be in a long time. Obviously there are a bunch of aspects to a person’s whole life, so it’ll be difficult to cram in everything. Because of that, I decided it’d probably be easier to separate this post into sections, within the post, of different stages in life.

TEEN (up to 18):

While I’m a teenager (I still have a good few years left, and I intend to make the most of them!) there’s quite a lot that I want to get in. School wise, I’d like to pass all of my GCSEs, preferably with higher grades so I can get into a college of my choice. At college, I’d be studying whatever it is that you’re supposed to take to become a doctor. I think that would be Chemistry, Biology, Maths and possibly Physics. I hate physics, though, so hopefully that isn’t part of the criteria.

In the next few years, I’d also love to branch out and make new friends from other places, maybe some of Bob’s school friends that I’ve never met, or perhaps people from my own year that I’ve never spoken to! I’d have been to Italy with Britt, and hopefully had an awesome time!

Obviously, I want to keep up with this blog too!


I’ve given a fairly vague age range for this section, because doctor’s have to go to university for quiiite a long time (it’s about 6/7 years, I think). Hopefully, I’d be in a good university that lives up to my family’s expectations of Oxford or Cambridge (although I doubt it’ll be either of those… Well, this is supposed to be my perfect life…).

Prepare yourself for cringey fangirling

At around 19, I’d meet someone that I’d have hopefully almost forgotten about, but they still lurk in the back of my mind. He’ll be about 25/26 And when I see him, it’d be an accident, or at least to him anyways if it can’t be the both of us. If you haven’t guessed, he’s a celebrity, and for the past 4 ish months I’ve been set on marrying him. I haven’t planned out exactly how we’ll meet, but I want it to be somewhere other than a celebrity event or meetup – somewhere that he has time to talk, and get to know me. We’d click instantly, and eventually start dating, and then my friends would finally find out who he is that I’ve been fangirling over! ❤

Maybe I’d be sharing all of it with you guys, as it happens? That would be amazing to look back on!

So, in my perfect life, I’d be about 24 when he asks me to marry him, and he’d be about 30. That isn’t too old is it? Too big of an age gap? 6 years? Anyway, it’d be somewhere without a lot of people, preferably just the two of us, and of course I’d say yes.


By this point, I’d have graduated University, and got a job in a hospital or doctors’ unit somewhere. I’d be in a happy relationship with my fiancée and we’d be planning our wedding. Instead of describing it all, I’ll just show you a collage of how I want my wedding to be.


Our honeymoon would be relaxing, and tranquil, away from the bustle that I’m assuming celebrities deal with daily. Maybe about a year after, I’d be pregnant. I don’t want to sound mean or anything, and I’m sure I won’t mind as much when it happens, but I want a baby girl first. Mainly because I have an idea for a name already. Her name would be Quinn, which sounds really pretty with his last name… Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, Quinn from Glee has been an idol of mine, so it seems nice to wish that a daughter might have the amazing qualities that she does.

At some point, I’d want to have a dog, being the dog lover that I am now. Goldendoodles are adorable, so maybe one of those? As for more children, it’d probably be just one more, because being in the big family that I am now, it’s kind of put me off the insane noise levels that we have sometimes.

I won’t go any further than there, because this post is getting quite long, and crazy, and it kind of became my love story with my celebrity crush…. Well, I’ve unleashed my inner fangirl to the whole world!

I wanted to end this post saying that I do not hate my life as it is now, hence keeping it up to this point – I just wanted to write about what I would love to happen in the future, if all of our dreams really did come true. Sorry for this post being so long! I hope you read right to the end, though!

Let me know what your ideal life would be like in the comments!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me

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A Day at a Theme Park


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Recently, my school had a Travel Day to Blackpool Pleasure Beach which is very far up on my invisible list of favourite places. I had an awesome time, as usual, and thought it would be fun to share my experience on here as something a little different! 😀

*Disclaimer: This post is quiiiite long*

So, I was on the coach with Penny, and was listening to Fifth Harmony the whole way there. It was actually raining at first, from where we set off, and we were all really paranoid that the rides would all close and we wouldn’t have any fun. Thankfully, the rain cleared up as we got into Blackpool, and stayed dry for the rest of the day.

Eventually, we made it into the park, successfully avoiding a young science teacher touching my back (he was guiiiding people in the right direction) as we went in. It really doesn’t help we’ve made so many innuendos based around the poor guy. First, we went to meet Rachel and Regina, who were at the carousel. We ended up on the Alice and Wonderland ride, which was a lot of fun, and we all managed to fit on one mouse!

After that one, we went to Nickelodeon Land and rode the Nickelodeon Streak. Rachel, being the freaked out small child that she is (she is actually the youngest of the group, by about a month), left her camera on the ride. And noticed once we were already heading to the next one. Penny and I being the responsible parents of the group had to get the camera, Penny doing the talking, and me being the one to realise that he was not about to throw the camera down the stairs.

At long last, after almost a year of separation, it was finally time to return to my second home. THE BIG DIPPER. For those of you that don’t know, it’s a big wooden rollercoaster. And since Year 6, age 10 ish, I’ve adored it. I just wish I could have had Bob with me on it! Since Penny and Rachel decided to be chickens, it was just me and Regina on the actual ride. But that didn’t take anything away from my excitement.

I literally ran down the stairs and to the back of the queue. It’ll be helpful to know that the line stretches along and then turns back on itself, going the other way, parallel, so you’re next to the people at the front of the queue. So, I turned around casually and BAM. Of course a certain dude from school I’ve been obsessing over since December was stood right next to me, about to get on the ride. Being the creepy fangirl I am, I remembered the seat he sat in, and then sat in it when it was time for us to get on, after watching him dying after the ride.

At around 12:00, Regina and I were wandering around the whole park, in search of Rachel and Penny, who were’t where we’d planned to meet up. After about 25 minutes of missed calls and 4 laps around, we finally found them, and headed to the Frozen Yogurt place for my lunch. Everyone else had brought their own, but I decided to eat there. If you ever find yourself in Pleasure Beach, you HAVE TO go to the YooMoo thing near the Big Dipper! I had a Berry Blast Smoothie and it was actually one of the most tasty things I’ve ever had in my life. Plus, it was all made right in front of us which was fun!

Straight after lunch wouldn’t have been a good idea for any bumpy rides, so we took a break and headed to the Wallace and Gromit ride, which was literally just nearby. There, we bumped into Tyler and two of his friends so we rode the ride with them. Us in one shoe, and them in the other. I’d been on this ride before, and none of the other times had it stopped half way through. An intercom spoke about a ‘Technical Delay’ and that someone was coming to help soon. Meanwhile, we were stuck in a dark tunnel for seven whole minutes. I actually found it quite fun, and it definitely gave us the break after lunch that we needed.

While being stuck in the ride, Penny had said “Is the fit photographer going to save us?” which nobody quite understood, because she was the only one who had seen the guy, and hadn’t spoken about him once. Once we were out, I demanded to see the guy, because I needed to know how ‘fit’ he was. But just before that, I went to get a Froyo from the Frozen Yogurt place because they’re too tasty and I couldn’t stay away.

So, it was me, Penny and Tyler, heading over to find the rest of our friends probably somewhere in Nickelodeon Land. As we approached where Penny saw him last, I had no idea what to expect. But as we got closer, we saw a guy, lay on the floor, taking a photo. From that angle, the only thing I remembered was them biceps. DAMN THEY WERE GOOD BICEPS. After walking by him, Penny and I were both swooning. He was an extremely beautiful human. For those of you interested,  he was quite tanned, had light brown hair (Penny says it was dark blonde), that completely defied gravity, THE BICEPS, he wore rectangular glasses, sharp jawline, quite tall, a tiny bit of stubble on his chin that wasn’t really that visible and yeah, basically he was GORGEOUS.

Obviously, we went to get Regina and Rachel so we could get a picture from him. Unfortunately not with him. So, we all walked up reaaaaaaaally slowly, so he’d ask us if we wanted a photo, and then he did. His voice was awesome too. Then he was taking the pictures, as I’m pretty sure we were all freaking out. But when he lay down, the mood between us all changed and I could literally feel it. Nobody moved, said anything, or looked at anyone, but we all died a little inside. I think I panicked a little, because I don’t actually remember him going from crouching to lay on the floor, but it happened.

After taking the picture, we followed him (he asked us to, don’t worry) into the little room where you buy photos, and Penny bought one. When we left the room, we all fangirled quite a bit. What’s strange was, we all have our own ‘types’, but somehow, he fit into every single one of them. BEAAAAAAAUUUUTIFUL.

Then, I went on the Grand National with Tyler because nobody else would go on it with me. I don’t think Tyler even expected it to be as big as it was. Anyways, rewind a little, and we get in the line, I turned around, and of course the guy from school that I’ve been dying over was in the other line. If you didn’t already know, the Grand National is a race between two carriages, that run alongside each other. The most awkward part was, I had to be subtle with my staring (I mean, it wasn’t THAT bad) because Tyler doesn’t even know about him.

So, on the way up the first hill, I was casually watching him shout at some of his friends across the tracks, who happened to sit right in front of me. Then he looked back, and you guys there was eye contact. EYE CONTACT. I could have screamed a little, but again, I was with Tyler so I saved the screaming for going down the drops.

For the rest of the day, we messed around on the Dodgems and little kid rides in Nickelodeon Land. And then Penny and I realised we’d been talking about the photographer for a whole hour when we got back to school.

Right, this post is ridiculously long, so I should probably end it here! Let me know if you read the whole thing! I’ll be quite impressed if you listened to that much of my ramblings!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me