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BLOLIDAYS | Favourite Summer Foods


I’m Just Average Teen Me. Welcome back to Blolidays! It’s the fourth week already! Only three more Blolidays posts after this! Hopefully, you’ve been enjoying this series. 😀

Today I thought it would be interesting to share some of my favourite Summer vibe foods! Who doesn’t love food?

  1. Yogurt (literally any kind)
  2. Smoothies (especially berry ones)
  3. Barbeques because why the heck not
  4. Magnums ❤
  5. Ice lollies (my favourites are tropical and citrus ones)
  6. Onion ring crisps
  7. Pineapples
  8. Buttery corn on the cob
  9. Ice cream (duh)
  10. Anything mango flavour (or literal mangoes. Just went on Google to check the plural of mango. For some reason there’s an ‘e’ in there.)
  11. Strawberry Shortcake – obviously with whipped cream!
  12. Berries in general
  13. Pancakes – all year round!

That’s everything I could think of! I know this post is super short compared to others, but hopefully we can have a discussion in the comments!

BYE! 😀

Just Average Teen Me